Thursday, December 15, 2011


  • india devolping country
  • less than half the woman know how to read and write
  • infant morality rate is very high
  • india second largert country behind china
  • Saudia Arabia
  • devolped 82% lives in a city not very rural 
  • over 90% are in tertiary jobs
  • they make alot compared to india gdp (24200)
  • none below poverty line 
  • Canda
  • devolped 76% urbanization
  • gdp (39400)
  • agriculture low and maunfactoring
  • infant mortailty rate low 
  • angola non devolped 
  • low life expectancy
  • 9 yeaar school expectancy
  • cannot afford health care
  • 175.9 deaths per 1000 births highest in the world
  • lot of people do not see 40 years old
  • 2/5 below povert line 
  • egypt
  • low gdp
  • a devolping country kids in school longer
  • mexico devolped - but can use some work and on the right track
  • afghanistan- gdp is low 
  • school lofe expectancy is low
  • infant mortailty is very high
  • male 43% 
  • female 
  • 12% literacy rate


  • urban population: 75% of total population (2010)
rate of urbanization: 1.7% annual rate of change (2010-15 est.)
  • total: 16.39 deaths/1,000 live births
    country comparison to the world: 108
    male: 19.92 deaths/1,000 live births

  • female: 12.65 deaths/1,000 live births (2011 est.)

    • total population: 74.55 years
      country comparison to the world: 98
      male: 71.27 years

    • female: 78.03 years (2011 est.)

    • total: 14 years
      male: 13 years

    • female: 14 years (2009)

    • 45.5% (2009

    • $9,800 (2010 est.)
      country comparison to the world: 111
      $9,600 (2009 est.)
      $9,500 (2008 est.)
      note: data are in 2010 US dollars

blog:12/15/11 (Greece)

  • school life expectancy
total: 17 years
male: 16 years
female: 17 years (2007)
definition: age 15 and over can read and write
total population: 96%
male: 97.8%
female: 94.2% (2001 census)
gdp per captia
$29,600 (2010 est.)
country comparison to the world: 47
$31,000 (2009 est.)
$31,700 (2008 est.)
note: data are in 2010 US dollars

Wednesday, December 14, 2011


  • some new techolgies have created a demandd for a paticular nattural resource 
  • steam engines need coal
  • internmal combustion engines need gas 
  • making computer chips need skillled labor
  • costs resource depletion
  • enviormental desstrucitom 
  • health problems
  • helps us produce goods and services
  • create employment oppurtunites
  • help devolop new technolgies
  • interpendence of nations: countries must trade with each other t acquire the goods the do not possess
  • energy producers and consumers and is unequally distibuted 
  • impearlism dominating the counrty
  • conflicts over control of resources
  • devolping ahave invetment in technolgy and created infrastructure
  • devolped nations have better resources to natural and captial resources
  • devopled nations have more skilled labor
  • devolped nations have a higher level of economic devolppment 
  • devolped nations are genreally urban
  • most people in devopled nations work secondary tertiary joobs
  • high gdp is a huge faactor determinf devolped conurtie and educatrional acheivment 
  • literacy rate is high
  • life expectancy rate is high percentage of urban pouplation is high 
  • infant mortailty rate is low

Monday, December 12, 2011


Today in class Mr.Schick became very angry with us because alot people in class were talking alot. Then he showed us the average grade from the quizzes and it was 70.8. Justin was trying to review his quiz. Also we went over our quizzes in class. And corrected them.

Friday, December 9, 2011


Today in class we took a quiz on the movie we watched in class and also the presentations we saw in the class the quiz was quite difficult but it was open blog. Then it was Mr. Schicks birthday and he chilled out and we did homework.

Thursday, December 8, 2011


Today in class we continued to watch the movie in class and also we saw how these people over in China only make about $4dollars a day. And compare it americans we make about $20 dollars working on a assembley line.And we saw how americans tear aa building down by blowing it up. And the chinese break a building down peace by peace. looking for valuabe peaces of rocks in it. We also saw how 80% of walmart products are made in China. Also the woman lost her job because the company was moving to china and she is having trouble finding one and the most of the bussines is moving to China because the labor and work there is very cheap

Wednesday, December 7, 2011


today in class we watched a movie called  Big Box mart and this guy used to be the customer at this store and now he is the employee there because the chinese taking over the workforce and the united states could do anything about it. Th second movie we watched was about life in china and how the families were only limited to having one child because they a large pouplation and many of the families are in poverty and they value children alot there. Many people work on assembley lines and it is very difficult for them to.

Monday, December 5, 2011


  • non renwable
  • united states uses most fossil fuels 18,690,000 barrels per day.
  • 972.6 billion used daily
  • oil use has gone up since 2010 went down in 2009.
  • saudi arqabi posses 20% of thw worllds petrorluem
  • fossil fuela are made of dead organisms
  • non renewable because they take millions of years
  • used for heating diesel fuels
  • they are made by man
  • discovered in the 18,000
  • saudi arabia produces 10,520,000
  • it is formed by natural resources 
  • economic geo
  • theres 2 main compunds comes from vechilaes engines it pollute1s it and petroluem is the cause of global warming.
  • we get petroleum from saudi arabia the have 22%
  • middle east exports the most because they got the most
  • in 2000 we useed 19.6 million a day and we consume the most. now we consume 19.15 million barrrells daily.
  • deforeataion-is when people cut down trees is 20% the cause of global warming it cintributes ti endgared anmials.
  • we have to cuut down trees to maintain our socity 
  • it takes up alot of oil to do it
  • since 1970 327,823 of the amazon rainforest been destroyed 

Friday, December 2, 2011

  • top importer coal japan does not make their own coal \
  • japan imports 17.5%
  • top 3 producers china,usa, and india\
  • many miners get disease from inhaling the black cold dust
  • reudces your life expectancty long cause smoke
  • many cave in have happen very dangerous job, explosins
  • many gas come off of the coal
  • coal is used to make half of united states electricty
  • its very cheap and also we are not going to run out soon.
  • many negative effect powerplants shortens 24,000 lives a year many recicve lung cancer
  • acid rain is when the air becomes so polluted
  • clean coal is to reduce the pollution in the air and clean way to burn coal

Thursday, December 1, 2011


Today in class we worked on this project about the 3 levels of Economics activity. We talked about GDP and the labor force. My group learned that many countries do not have a high percentage of agriculture.What I saw was that the many  not as developed countries like as Russia or Saudi Arabia or United States rely on agriculture alot more than the other countries.