Wednesday, December 14, 2011


  • some new techolgies have created a demandd for a paticular nattural resource 
  • steam engines need coal
  • internmal combustion engines need gas 
  • making computer chips need skillled labor
  • costs resource depletion
  • enviormental desstrucitom 
  • health problems
  • helps us produce goods and services
  • create employment oppurtunites
  • help devolop new technolgies
  • interpendence of nations: countries must trade with each other t acquire the goods the do not possess
  • energy producers and consumers and is unequally distibuted 
  • impearlism dominating the counrty
  • conflicts over control of resources
  • devolping ahave invetment in technolgy and created infrastructure
  • devolped nations have better resources to natural and captial resources
  • devopled nations have more skilled labor
  • devolped nations have a higher level of economic devolppment 
  • devolped nations are genreally urban
  • most people in devopled nations work secondary tertiary joobs
  • high gdp is a huge faactor determinf devolped conurtie and educatrional acheivment 
  • literacy rate is high
  • life expectancy rate is high percentage of urban pouplation is high 
  • infant mortailty rate is low

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