Thursday, January 12, 2012
Today what we did in class was we reviewed our test on Korea and then we spoke a little about exams and twitter then we spoke about the movie we watched in class. How propaganda plays a huge role on the way people think and act. Also we spoke about it the great leader were to be assainated what the Korean people would think if they would be happy or sad.
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
Today in class Mr.Schick had to go somewhere and we had A sub while we had a sub we reviewed for a test that had later on in class. In class we had once Mr.Schick came back we then took our test on Korea some of the question were a little challenging. But overall I think I may have passed
Monday, January 9, 2012
- dicatorship-ruled by one person and people have no choices
- one person akes up the rules and no opower shared with different branchs of government
- totalitairn- no patrie political no limits to the power that party has and eveything must be regulated
- socialist-government with social ownership and system and work for companies run by the gov:
- the land is owened by gov: everything government owns
- stonilist-gives all the power to one person like a dictaotrship used alot of propaganda and executed alot of politcal enemies (joeseph stolin)
- try to install communist governments
Sunday, January 8, 2012
Today in class we watched some more of the movie about Korea and what found interesting was that the koreans dug several holes underground so that could get into South Korea.And how much that they love there leader but they do not understand that he is cutting them off from the outside world. Also when South Korea would make an attempt to speak to North Korea that would pay them no attenton
Wednesday, January 4, 2012
- occupied by japan
- japan was deafted by ww2
- in 1947 un divides korea into halves at the 38th parrell
- soviet union admistres the north half
- supposed to be temporary
- ussr and us could not agree on how korea would be governed
- soviets set up a communist gov: in the north, ruled by kim II sung
- america set up a pro-western democratic government in the south
- each side thought they should rule leading to the korean war (1950-1953)
- total number killed 2.5
- democratic party republic of korea
- captial pyongyang
- totalitarian stalinist dicatorship
- single party state
- cult of personality
- north korea has devolped nueclar weapons
- republic of korea
- capital of seoul
- presidental republic
- very high stadard of living
- fourth largest economy in asia
- president lee myung-bak
Monday, January 2, 2012
- from 2333 b.c to a.d 1910 is self ruled as a series of empires
- often worked with in china
- often didnt get along with japan
- known as the hermit kingdom during the 19th centeru
- 1910-1945 occupied by japan
- japan was defeated
- in 1947 un divides korea into two alves at the paraellel
- soviet union adminsters the northen half
- ussr and us and could not agree on how korea was going to be governed
- soveits set up a communist gov: in the north ruled by kim jong II-Sung
- america set up a pro western democratic government in the south
- each side thought they should rule leading to the korean was (1950-1953)
- 2.5 million people were killed
- north koreademocratic peoples republic of korea
- capital pyopngyang
- totalitarian stanlisnt diectarorship
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