Monday, January 2, 2012


  • from 2333 b.c to a.d 1910 is self ruled as a series of empires
  • often worked with in china
  • often didnt get along with japan
  • known as the hermit kingdom during the 19th centeru 
  • 1910-1945 occupied by japan
  • japan was defeated 
  • in 1947 un divides korea into two alves at the paraellel
  • soviet union adminsters the northen half
  • ussr and us and could not agree on how korea was going to be governed 
  • soveits set up a communist gov: in the north ruled by kim jong II-Sung
  • america set up a pro western democratic government in the south 
  • each side thought they should rule leading to the korean was (1950-1953)
  • 2.5 million people were killed
  • north koreademocratic peoples republic of korea
  • capital pyopngyang
  • totalitarian stanlisnt diectarorship

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