Wednesday, November 30, 2011


today in class Robert taught the class and he taught us about natural resources.Renewable resources.Nonrenewable resources are resources that do not replace themselves oil,fossil fuels,natural gas,cooper,gold,iron,cooper.Then there is human resources the people who serve and who work at the c.i.a.Capital Resources used to make money make more of something like money or tools. Primary-dealing w/natural resources(ex:fishing and farming.Secondary-manufactoring and processing of natural resources(ex:steel mills,automoblie assembley,saw mils.Third-service industries ex:transportation retail trade informational technolgy

Monday, November 28, 2011


Today in class we went over our test on population pyrmaids and I did okay not as well as I wanted to I received a 74% on the test. We also talked about how Mr.Schicks weekend was he spoke about how his dinner was and how his drivinng was being critcized on the way there. We also switched seats today and we also learned that we will not be using our computers that much anymore in class. Becasue many of us got off task in class.

Monday, November 21, 2011


Today in class we took a quiz on pouplation pyrmaids. That was very difficult but we were able to use our blogs.
Also we finished up on our google document about pouplation it was very tough. Everyone in our group contributed to the project each of us answered parts of a questions.

Thursday, November 17, 2011


Today in class we had a class discussion we talked about numerous things suchas why cant  we pull the troops out of Afghanstian. We also spoke about the war several years ago about the war in Vietnam were we fought with the south and to try help them aganist the North were we afraid of communism and we thought if north vietinam got south vietnam to become communist then the it would be a domino effect and spread to all the other countries and then they would all join together and go aganist everyone else. Then we spoke about the birth rate and why it was so high in Africa and it was because many places theres a myth going around that if you have aids/hiv and you sleep with virgin that you will be cured and what they do not understand is that they are spreading it to people.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011


Today in class we worked on blue papers and talked about what is crude birth rate and crude death rate.
Then we also talked about how the poor health care affects the birth rate in some countries. Because these girls do not birth control and they are just having sex. And the birth control can help them from getting pregnant .But in Africa unfourtantley they do do not have that. We also talked about how africa and Swaziland treat the woman in there country like 2nd or 3rd class citizens or even less.

Monday, November 14, 2011


Today in class we worked on our papers. It was quite shocking to see that Asia is in the middle of the road when referring to crude birth rate or death rate because Asia has alot more people than alot of other countries and I figured that with more people would come more deaths such as not enough food. Also many people in poverty.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

blog 11/11/11

  • stage1: high birth rate very slowly growth low RNI.In pre-industrial society, death rates were both  high flucated rapdly according  onatural events such as drought and disese to produce relativley constat and young poupluation.children contributed to the econmy of the household from an ealry age by carrying wate, fireewood and messages,caring for younger siblings sweeping wwashing dishes preparing foods and doing some work in the feilds.
  • Stage 2: Death rate falls dramatically birth rate remains high: high RNI. A consequnce of the decline in CDR in stage two is an increasingly rapid rise in pouplation growth as the gap between deaths and births grow wider. 
  • Stage 3:Death rate remains low, birth rate drops ; RNI slows. Stage three moves the poplation towards stability through a decline in the birth rate.
  • Stage 4: Death rate low , birth rate low ; low RNI. This occurs where birth and death rates are both low.  Therfore the total pouplation is high and stable.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

  1. poulation pyrmaid
  2. the statiscs represented in a pouplation that caan help human geographers determine what will happen to a courtys pouplation.
  3. graphically represent the age and gender distribution of  certain pouplation.
  4. 1945 ww2 ended.
  5. age:pouplation pyramids visually presents the pouplation broken down by age.
  6. Gender:boys on the left girls always on the right.
  7. pouplation of age 15:global average is 30 percent lower is 17 percenmt 
  8. high of 42 ercent of africa.
  9. percentage of population over agge 65: indentifiew  need for health care and other socil services
In class we also talked about how the baby boomers and how when they get older we will be taking care of them and also about how much nursing homes cost and assitssted living


Monday, November 7, 2011


Today in class we took a test on Geo-politics it was very difficult because it was strictley writing and no multiple choice or fill in the blank and usally that is strong point but writing is not. I think that we should not have test that are just stricltey writing but what made it a little easy was that we could use the internet and our  blogs.

Sunday, November 6, 2011


My computer has just started working again i have not been able to blog these past days because the screen went out completey and it just started working is it possible that I blog the past days that i could not blog

Friday, November 4, 2011


Mr.Schick my laptop is the tech-lab and my computer at home has a virius and I am to blog. Also I know we ahve a test Monday but my computer will not be ready by then according to the tech-lab.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011


It is Reggie I am back again and I made through my first quater of my freshman year here at John Carroll. Also English class was a blast, I learned so much like always cite your sources or that will be considred plagerism. We just started our second quater and we are learning about short stories and great short story writers like Saki and Edgar Allen Poe. We recentley finshed reading the short story the interolpers that was written by Saki