Sunday, November 13, 2011

blog 11/11/11

  • stage1: high birth rate very slowly growth low RNI.In pre-industrial society, death rates were both  high flucated rapdly according  onatural events such as drought and disese to produce relativley constat and young poupluation.children contributed to the econmy of the household from an ealry age by carrying wate, fireewood and messages,caring for younger siblings sweeping wwashing dishes preparing foods and doing some work in the feilds.
  • Stage 2: Death rate falls dramatically birth rate remains high: high RNI. A consequnce of the decline in CDR in stage two is an increasingly rapid rise in pouplation growth as the gap between deaths and births grow wider. 
  • Stage 3:Death rate remains low, birth rate drops ; RNI slows. Stage three moves the poplation towards stability through a decline in the birth rate.
  • Stage 4: Death rate low , birth rate low ; low RNI. This occurs where birth and death rates are both low.  Therfore the total pouplation is high and stable.

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